We have offered our experience and cooperation for the development of better Hungarian health and patient care.
We have committed working together beyond denominations.
We have offered our contribution in organizing church-values based nursing training.
Patient centricity

The Church Hospitals Association is a professional organization of hospitals maintained by historical churches in Hungary.

In 2018 our founding members, the Bethesda Children’s Hospital, the Buda Hospital of the Hospitaller Brothers of Saint John of God, the MAZSIHISZ Hospital and the St. Francis Hospital in Budapest with their owner-maintainers, formulated their common purposes.

Our mission

Our errand is to put health care into practice, with a special focus on the physical and mental needs of patients, and to promote this approach.

We are committed to offering a special patient-centered alternative in the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Our goal is to expand the community of church hospitals in Hungary. We support the establishment of health care institutions organized along church values and their accession to our Association.

Our members

Bethesda Gyermekkórház

Bethesda Children's Hospital, Budapest

Budai Irgalmasrendi Kórház

Buda Hospital of the Hospitaller Brothers of Saint John of God, Budapest

MAZSIHISZ Szeretetkórház

MAZSIHISZ Hospital, Budapest

Szent Damján Görögkatolikus Kórház

St. Damian's Hospital, Kisvárda

Budapesti Szent Ferenc Kórház

St. Francis Hospital in Budapest

Reformed Center of Pulmonologi, Törökbálint

Blessed Gerard Hospital, Pomáz